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Lucrari prezentate de Universitatea Hyperion la conferinte internationale in perioada 2005-2011
1. C. Miclea, C. Tanasoiu, I. Spanulescu, C.F. Miclea, F.N. Sima, M. Cioangher, Effect of neutron irradiation on some piezoelectric properties of PZT type ceramics, International Conference, Electroactive materials and sustainable growth „ EMSG 2005 ”, Paris, France, 21 -27.05/2005
2. C. Miclea, C. Tanasoiu, I. Spanulescu, C.F. Miclea, Effect of grain size and sintering atmosphere on electrical and dielectric properties of uranium doped barium titanate ceramics, IX International Conference and Exhibition of the European Ceramic Society, Portoroz, Slovenia, 19–23.06/2005
3. C. Miclea, C. Tanasoiu, C.F. Miclea, A. Gheorghiu, Structural, electrical and dielectric properties of uranium doped barium titanate, III International Materials Symposium „ MATERIAIS 2005 ” Aveiro, Portugal, 19-24.03/2005
4. C. Miclea, C. Tanasoiu, A. Gheorghiu, C.F. Miclea, F.N. Sima, M. Cioangher, Influence of forming pressure of compacted powders on densification of sintered body, International Conference “Powders and Grains”, Stuttgart, Germany 18-23.07 2005
5. C. Miclea, L. Amarande, C. Tanasoiu, I. Spanulescu, C.F. Miclea, Piezoelectric Properties of Bismuth Modified Lead Titanate Ceramics, CAS 2005, Sinaia, Romania, 2-5 October (2005)
6. Alin IUGA, Cornel MICLEA, Constantin TANASOIU, Luminita AMARANDE, Marius CIOANGHER, PZT-ELASTOMER type composite materials with 03 connectivity obtained by nonconventional technology, The 12 th International Conference on Nonconventional Technologies - ICNcT2005, November 3-4 2005, Bucharest, ROMANIA
7. A. Costescu, S. Spanulescu, "Numerical evaluation and integration of higher transcendental Lauricella and Appell functions involved in photon-atom interactions" - Proceeding of the 5th WSEAS International Conference on Applied Mathematics, Puerto De La Cruz, Spania, pag. 239-244 (2006).
8. A. Costescu, S. Spanulescu, C. Stoica, “The nonrelativistic limit of the photoeffect cross-section on K and L-shells electrons”, International Conf. on Atomic Physics, Innsbruck, 16-21 iulie, pag. 276 (2006).
9. A. Costescu, S. Spanulescu, C. Stoica “The nonrelativistic limit of the second order S-matrix element for atomic two photon processes” International Conf. on Atomic Physics, Innsbruck, 16-21 iulie, pag. 275, (2006).
10. C. Miclea, C. Tanasoiu, C.F. Miclea, A. Gheorghiu and M. Cioangher, Structure and magnetic properties of strontium hexaferrite nanopowders prepared by mechanical synthesis” CIMTEC 2006 - International Conference on Modern Materials and Technologies, Acireale, Italy, 03-10 June 2006
11. C. Miclea, C. Tanasoiu, C.F. Miclea, A. Gheorghiu, I. Spanulescu and M. Cioangher, Soft ferrite nanostructured for magnetic temperature transducers and applications ELECTROCERAMICS X, Toledo, Spain, 18-23 June 2006
12. C. Miclea, C. Tanasoiu, L. Amarande, L. Trupina, C. T. Miclea, M. Cioangher,
C. David, Temperature dependence of the main piezoelctric parameters of a Nb-Li doped PZT ceramic, 26 th International Semiconductor Conference (CAS 2006), Sinaia, Romania, September 27-29, 2006
13. Gabriel Munteanu, Cornel Miclea, Properties of some magnetic nanocomposites evaluated by Monte Carlo calculations, NANOMAT, Antalia, Turcia, 21-23 June 2006
14. C. Miclea, C. Tanasoiu, C.F. Miclea, I. Spanulescu, A. Gheorghiu, M. Cioangher, L. Trupina, Barium titanate nanopowders prepared by mechanochemical synthesis and the properties of their sintered ceramics, International Workshop „Nonlinear Physics in Periodic Structures and Materials” – Dresden, Germany, March 19-30, 2007
15. C. Miclea, C. Tanasoiu, C.F. Miclea, I. Spanulescu, A. Gheorghiu, M. Cioangher, L. Trupina, A PZT based material for bimorph type transducers and a new optical method to evaluate their performance, International Conference MATERIAIS 2007, Porto, Portugalia, April, 01-05 2007
16. C. Miclea, L. Trupina, C. Tanasoiu, L. Amarande, I. Spanulescu, C. T. Miclea, M. Cioangher, Iridium layer as oxygen barrier and growth substrate for oriented pzt thin films, International Symposium on Integrated Ferroelectrics - ISIF 2007, Bordeaux, France, May 07-11, 2007
17. C. F. Miclea, C. Miclea, A. C. Mota, E. Bauer, M. Nicklas, F. Steglich, Low-field magnetic relaxation effects in noncentrosymmetric CePt 3 Si, Internat. Conference on Strongly Correlated Electron Systems-(SCES ‘07), May 12-19, 2007, Houston, USA
18. C. Miclea, C. Tanasoiu, C.F. Miclea, I. Spanulescu, A. Gheorghiu, M. Cioangher, C.T. Miclea, Nanostructured titania based photoelectrodes for water splitting, 10 th International Conference and Exibition of the European Ceramic Society – ECERS 2007, June 16-22, 2007
19. C. Miclea, C. Tanasoiu, C.F. Miclea, C. Plavitu, M. Cioangher, L. Trupina, L. Amarande, C.T. Miclea, Synthesis of Barium Titanate Nanopowders by Mechanochemical Activation Technique, European Conference on Solide State Chemistry - ECSC XI, September 9-15, 2007, Caen, France
20. Cornel Miclea, L. Trupina, C. Tanasoiu, C.F. Miclea, L. Amarande, I. Spanulescu, C.T. Miclea, M. Cioangher, The behavior of iridium films as oxygen diffusion barrier in oriented PZT thin films for ferroelectric nonvolatile memories, International Symposium on Integrated ferroelectrics - ISIF 2007, Bordeaux, Franta, 08-11 May 2007
21. C. Miclea, L. Trupina, C. Tanasoiu, C. F. Miclea, I. Spanulescu, C. N. Plavitu, A. Gheorghiu, A. Iuga, L. Amarande, M. Cioangher, C.T. Miclea., Deposition of Mn-Sr doped PZT thin films by RF magnetron sputtering, 5 th International Conference on New Research Trends in Material Science ARM-5, September 5-7, 2007, Sibiu, Romania
22. C. Miclea, A. Iuga, C. Tanasoiu, C. F. Miclea, L. Amarande, L. Trupina, C.N. Plavitu, M. Cioangher, C.T. Miclea, Nonlinearities in the behaviour of soft PZT at low emf near the resonance, 5th International Conference on New Research Trends in Material Science ARM-5, September 5-7, 2007, Sibiu, Romania
23. C.F. Miclea, C. Miclea, A.C. Mota, E. Bauer, M. Sigrist, F. Steghich, Low-field magnetic relaxation effects in noncentrosymmetric CePt 3 Si, The International Workshop on Exotic States in Materials with Strongly Correlated Electron Systems - ESM'07, Sinaia, Romania, September 7-10 2007
24. C. Miclea, C. Tanasoiu, C.F. Miclea, L. Amarande, C. Plavitu, M. Cioangher, L. Trupina, C.T. Miclea, C. David, A Study of The Changes Produced by Sintering on The Shape and Densification of Green Compacted Samples, 27 th International Semiconductor Conference (CAS 2007), Sinaia, Romania, October 15-17, 2007
25. ”IMPROVING THE PERFORMANCES OF THE COLLOCATION METHOD FOR NUMERICALLY SOLVING LINEAR DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS OF THE WAVE FUNCTIONS IN LARGE ATOMIC SYSTEMS”, S. Spanulescu, M. Moldovan, Proceedings of the 13 th WSEAS International Conference on Applied Mathematics, 2008, Spain, pag. 148-153.
27. . A. Costescu, C. Stoica, S. Spanulescu, “New analytical relativistic formula for X-ray and gamma-ray Rayleigh scattering by K-shell electrons”, ICAP 2008, Storrs, CT, USA, July 27 – August 1, 2008, pag 226
28. A. Costescu, C. Stoica, S. Spanulescu “New analytical relativistic formulae for the total photoeffect cross section for the K-shell electrons”, 40th Annual Conference of the European Group for Atomic Systems (EGAS)Graz, july 2-5, 2008, pag. CT97
29. C. Miclea, C. Tanasoiu, C.F. Miclea, I. Spanulescu, L. Amarande, A. Iuga, M. Cioangher, L. Trupina, C.T. Miclea, C. David, M. Susu, Structure and Properties of Ceramic Ferroic Composites from PZT and BT Solid Solution, 22 nd General Conference of the Condensed Matter Division of the European Physical Society, Universita La Sapienza, ROMA, Italia, 25 - 30 august 2008
30. C. Miclea, C. Tanasoiu, C.F. Miclea, I. Spanulescu, C. Plavitu, L. Amarande, A. Iuga, M. Cioangher, C.T. Miclea, C. David, Piezoelectric properties of piezoceramic PZT solid solution, IMAPS/ AcerS - 4 th International Conference and Exibition on Ceramics Interconect and Ceramic Microsystems Technologies (CICMT 2008), Munich, 20-25 April, 2008,
31. C. Miclea, C. Tanasoiu, A. Iuga, I. Spanulescu, C. F. Miclea, C. Plavitu, L. Amarande, M. Cioangher, L. Trupina, C.T. Miclea, T. Tanasoiu, A high performance pzt type material used as sensor for an audio high frequency piezoelectric siren, 28 th International Semiconductor Conference (CAS 2008), Sinaia, Romania, October 12-15, 2008
32. C. Miclea, C. Tanasoiu, C.F. Miclea, I. Spanulescu, C. Plavitu, M. Cioangher, C.T. Miclea, Magnetic Temperature Transducers Made from Copper Based Soft Ferrite, 3 rd International Conference “Smart Materials, Structures and Systems +CIMTEC 2008” Acireale, ITALY, 08 - 13 June 2008
33. C. Miclea, C. Tanasoiu, C.F. Miclea, C. Marius, I. Spanulescu, C.T. Miclea, M. Susu, Structural Changes Produced by Electro-Thermal Cycling in a Soft PZT Type Ceramic, 6 th International Conference on Inorganic Materials – INOR 2008, Dresden, Germany, 28-30 September 2008
34. L. TRUPINA, C. MICLEA, M. CIOANGHER, VICTORIA MALCZANEK, “International Symposium on Integrated Ferroelectrics - ISIF 2008” care se vor desfasura in, unde va prezenta lucrarea stiintifica: Deposition of nikel, strontium and niobium doped PZT thin films by RF magnetron sputtering, Singapore, Malaysia, June 09-12 2008
35. C.F. Miclea, C. Miclea, A.C. Mota, M. Sigrist, F. Steglich, E. Bauer, and M.B. Maple, Extreme vortices pinning in noncetrosymmetric superconductors CePt 3 Si and Li 2 Pt 3 B, 25 th International Conference on Low Temperature Physics - LT25, RAI Conference Center din Amsterdam, Netherlands, August 6–13 2008
36. C. Miclea, C. Tanasoiu, C.F. Miclea, C. Plavitu, A. Gheorghiu, M. Cioangher, C.T. Miclea, Effect of iron doping of titania based photoelectrodes for water splitting, 2 nd International Congress on Ceramics, Verona, ITALY, June 29-July 042008
37. MULTILAYER INSULATION WITH APPLICATIONS IN CRYOGENIC EQUIPMENTS , Sorin Gherghinescu, Gheorghe Popescu, Eusebiu Ionete , Adrian Costescu, Sever Spanulescu, Proceedings of the 15-th Conference “Progress in Cryogenics and Isotopes Separation” 28-30 OCTOBER, 2009,CALIMANESTI – CACIULATA
38. C. Miclea, C. Tanasoiu, T. Tanasoiu, C.F. Miclea, A. Iuga, L. Trupina, M. Cioangher, L. Amarande, C.T. Miclea, M. Susu, C. David, I. Voicu, V. Malczanek, A new piezoceramic material for a sandwich type transducer used for NDT of civil engineering strucures, XXXVII Summer School–Conference: Advanced Problems in Mechanics – APM 2009, June 30 – July 5, 2009, Sankt Petersburg, Rusia.
39. C. Miclea, C. Tanasoiu, L. Amarande, C. F. Miclea, C. Plavitu, M. Cioangher, L. Trupina, C.T. Miclea, T. Tanasoiu, M. Susu, I. Voicu, V. Malczanek, C. David, Magnetoelectric properties of multiferroic cobalt ferrite and soft piezoelectric PZT particulate composites, European Congress and Exhibition on Advanced Materials and Processes–Federation of European Materials (EUROMAT-2009), Glasgow, Scotland, September 6-11 2009
40. C. Miclea, C. Tanasoiu, C. F. Miclea, L. Amarande, C. Plavitu, L. Trupina, M. Cioangher, A. Iuga, I.S. Ghita, C.T. Miclea, M. Susu, Lead free alkali niobates doped with Bi and Cu, The 2010 Fall Meeting of the European Materials Research Society (E-MRS 2010 Fall Meeting)”, Warsaw University of Technology, Poland, September 12-18 2010
41. C. Miclea, T. Tanasoiu, C.F. Miclea, L. Amarande, M. Cioangher, L. Trupina, A. Iuga, I. Spanulescu, C.T. Miclea, C. David, M. Susu, Behavior of the main propeties of hard and soft type piezoceramics with temperature from 2 to 600 K, 32 th International Semiconductor Conference (CAS 2010), Sinaia, Romania, October 11-13, 2010
42. M. Ciopata, C. Miclea, Ab initio studies of fluorouracil and pyridoxine interaction with single walled carbon nanotubes, Symposium Trieste, 2010
43. Corneliu F. Miclea, Cornel Miclea, Nobuyuki Kurita, Carsten Putzke, Andrea Bianchi, and Roman Movshovich, Field dependence of thermal conductivity in the noncentrosymmetric superconductor LaRhSi 3 , International Congress 5th Forum on New Materials - CIMTEC 2010, Montecatini Terme, Firenze, ITALY, June 13-18 2010
44. A. Costescu, K.Karim, M. Moldovan, S. Spanulescu, C. Stoica “Anomalous Rayleigh scattering of X-ray and photoeffect by inner shell electrons” 43rd Conference of theEuropean Group for Atomic Systems (EGAS) University of Fribourg Fribourg, Switzerland June 28 - July 2, 2011